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Welcome to  MCFreeksCraft We hope you have a nice time on our server!

News: The server is on Tekkit Classic!
We need staff and Donations!!!
There will be news for the server some times so players know what's happening! 


New Christmas Voting! 

Vote for anyone on the server who is a staff member or Guests Tell MC_bradr who you would like to vote for then he will but you down on the list! You can only vote once you can't change to another player! the person who get the most votes will be:

1st Top Voting Gets - Admin

secoud Top Voting Gets - Operator

3rd Top Voting Gets - Moderator!

Any one can vote even I will vote it can be random people or your BFF/best Friends forever or even your best friend or your friend! If you win and you are a hacker you won't get the rank it will go to the secound person!!

Save The server

No Image Available

£ 6 

Save the Server by getting all of its plugins back if you save it you will be 




No Image Available

£ 10.99 

TrustDonator: Trusted Donator gets alot of commands and it is like op 

(World Edit!!)

You will get this rank for ever if there is a whitelist you will be on it you can (NOT) get Banned by a admin if not report on this Websit then they will be forced banned or forced deop!

The only rule for this rank is (NO) Advertising if you do it 5 times then you will turn into VIP!


 How to Claim Your Own house without any Griefing it:

*First get a Golden Shovel out!

You have 3 clams to use it

Hold it in your hand (Right Click the block on the floor) keep it in your hand the golden Shovel Next go to your other side then right click that then you should come up with your area gold and glowstone lines means that's where players can't build but admins can Next do /trust (Player) So they can build do /untrust (Player) so they can't build in your claim!

don't be mean to staff or they will kick you 3 times then tempbannd for 15 mins after that tempbannd 1 day then bannd. 

IF some one nuke the server with TNT please type in are website: there is two ways to report players! First go to home page and you see you picketer of MC_bradr it says MC_bradr at the top click that then that's my email! Next go to Contact Us type your user name where it says name then type your email don't worry about phone number then you will see a big box type your report in there but type the players user name! then type the numbers at the bottom then it will say submit then your done!   

Donator Commands:




get 5 Plots

Get Donator next to your nick name



When you buy it you will get a Kit Donator Witch has Dimond stuff and food!

Get Green Tab

More Commands coming up Soon!


Minecraft money: Sorry the Owner has not made the minecraft money yet hes thinking!


£ 5 

Donator will get in game money 


Get 10 pig spawners!

Get a Kit with Level 1000 Amour, 10 pig Spawners 10 Cow Eggs Access To /warp Donator!

Get 5 Plots

Head at spawn!

Next to your plot you get your Own NPC!

Donator Commands:







get 5 Plots


Get Donator next to your nick name






When you buy it you will get a Kit Donator Witch has Dimond stuff and food!


Get Green Tab


More Commands coming up Soon!




 MVP+ Commands:




get 15 Plots



Get a Pet

Pets: Wolf, Witch, Human, Sheep, Pig, Cow, EnderMan, Creeper, Spider, Cave-Spider, skeleton, Horse, Slime (More Commanding up Soon!)

Get MVP+ next to your nick

Get Blue Tab

More commands coming up soon!


Minecraft Money: Sorry the Owner has not made the minecraft money yet hes thinking!

 Report Some One in the comment and Enjoy the Server! And please appy for Staff!

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New Staff Members!! 


Superdim Trust Staff Good Builder!!

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